BasicBuild WPa lightweight wordpress theme

The ideal, lightweight WordPress theme for WordPress website developers. Powered by WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields Pro and Font Awesome.

This is not a page builder theme! It is a lightweight WordPress theme utilizing your Advanced Custom Field Pro (ACF Pro) plugin. It also comes ready to use with Font Awesome “standard” icons. But if you have a Font Awesome Pro account, your kit ID can be easily added to theme settings to take full advantage of Font Awesome “Pro” icons as well. (As seen throughout this site).

By using the BasicBuild WP theme, your ACF Pro plugin and Font Awesome Pro Kit, you can develop a highly effective, functional and stylish WordPress website much faster than before. Out performing typical page builder themes over bloated with extra code.

  1. Install WordPress and Advanced Custom Fields Pro
  2. Install the BasicBuild WP theme and Activate
  3. Import the BasicBuild WP ACF Options File
  4. Start Building Your Website

Install WordPress and Advanced Custom Fields Pro

When it comes to developing a website, there are different ways it can be accomplished. For example, a web developer could develop in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, PHP, etc. Or, they could develop using a content management system (like WordPress).

I choose to develop in WordPress mainly because WordPress development is exceptionally versatile. It focuses on flexibility and usability and is an excellent solution for individuals, small businesses and large corporations. WordPress and ACF along with Font Awesome can be the perfect fit for any website developer looking to built great websites fast. Using WordPress with the BasicBuild WP lightweight WordPress theme, you’ll be surprised how quickly building a new site can be.

Install WordPress

Below are the basic steps to install WordPress. For more detailed instructions, visit

  1. Download and unzip the WordPress package if you haven’t already.
  2. Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL (or MariaDB) user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
  3. Upload the WordPress files to the desired location on your web server:
  4. Run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in a web browser. This should be the URL where you uploaded the WordPress files.

Install the Advanced Custom Fields plugin

  1. Go to Advanced Custom Fields and purchase the PRO version. The ACF free version of the plugin will not work with this theme.
  2. Go to “Plugins” > ‘Add New
  3. Click “Upload Plugin” and select ACF.
  4. Activate the ACF plugin by Clicking on “Activate Plugin”. (Be sure to enter your Pro license key).

Once WordPress and ACF has been installed, it’s time to add the BasicBuild WP theme. Read on below.

Install the BasicBuild WP theme and Activate

Installing a WordPress theme is easy, but keep in mind that if you activate a new theme, then it will change how your WordPress website looks and functions since the BasicBuild WP theme makes use of ACF and not just default WordPress content boxes.

The BasicBuild WP lightweight WordPress theme was primarily developed to create “new” WordPress websites more quickly.

  1. Purchase and download the BasicBuild WP theme to your local machine.
  2. Login to the WordPress admin panel.
  3. Go to “Appearance > Themes“.
  4. Click “Add New > Upload theme“.
  5. Browse to saved location and select the BasicBuild WP theme.
  6. Click “Install Now” and activate it.
  7. Reset your permalinks. Go to Settings > Permalinks.

By now, you have WordPress, the ACF plugin and the BasicBuild WP theme installed and activated. The last step is to import the Advanced Custom Fields option file. Keep reading below.

Import the BasicBuild WP ACF Options File

After installing WordPress, the BasicBuild WP lightweight theme and your Advanced Custom Fields plugin, you will need to import the BasicBuild WP ACF JSON file. The JSON file is what provides all the options to build custom web pages using the BasicBuild WP theme.

  1. Login to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. On the left hand side, go to “Custom Fields” > “Tools“.
  3. Under “Import Field Groups”, click “Choose File“. Browse to ../themes/basicbuild-wp/acf_import/acf-export-latestdate.json and select to upload.
  4. Click the “Import JSON” button.

That’s it! You now have all you need to build a highly functional website, built on the latest WordPress standards that will look great and perform much faster than sites built with a page builder template.

Start Building Your Website

BasicBuild WP is lightweight WordPress theme using Underscores framework. Built on WordPress coding standards and Advanced Custom Fields Pro, it allows for pre-built layouts, styling changes and other options. It further provides the ability to add multiple “sections” (a.k.a. row) to a single web page. Each individual section (row) added provides the ability to build and style a specific feature.

You are ready to start building your website. But before you do, there are a few more things to know.

  • Read more about the Initial Theme Setup for global options to best configure your site.
  • Read more about Using the BasicBuild WP Page Template to setup your desired layouts and styles.
  • When creating new pages, select the BasicBuildWP Builder page template in the content editor Page Attributes section.
  • Learn how to setup each individual layout by checking out the links in the Learning How sidebar seen here.

Features include but not necessarily limited to:

  • set default theme options
  • font awesome ready (free or pro)
  • build flex columns and style
  • build slideshows and style
  • build carousels and style
  • build tabbed content and style
  • build masonry layouts and style
  • build accordion boxes and style
  • build custom 404 error page

  • add Google tracking code
  • add secondary container above header or below footer
  • show/hide social media icons and 2nd nav in secondary container
  • build responsive full-width image or colored background sections
  • add a sidebar for widgets per section
  • add a full row of up to 4 widgets in a section
  • add custom CSS for specific section
  • add section opacity overlays
  • and more…