Initial Theme Setup

After you have installed WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields Pro and the BasicBuild WP theme, there are a few steps to take to get you started.  (Please note: some settings may have changed with recent updates).

  1. Make sure you followed the steps on the home page.
  2. Make sure the ACF import file has been imported that comes with the theme.
  3. Go to Settings > Permalinks and set your preference and save.
  4. Go to BasicBuild WP Options and click the update button. (This sets the defaults and writes it to the database)
  5. Go through each option tab and set your preferences and click the update button after making any changes.

Theme Preferences

Below are the BasicBuild WP theme options in more detail. The settings include default styling and setup of features. There are notes included with the options that provide even more detail. (Some styling options here can be overwritten with settings on individual pages and posts).


  1. Select default body background color.
  2. Select default headings color.


  1. Set the “site-branding” width as percentage of 100%. This is for your logo.
  2. Set the “main navigation” width as percentage of 100%. This is you main navigation.
  3. Select the background color for the “masthead”. The masthead container holds the logo and main navigation.
  4. Select the color of the main navigation links.
  5. Select the color of the main navigation links in hover state.
  6. Select whether to have a border bottom on the masthead.
  7. If yes, select the border color and height in px.

Font Awesome

  1. Select if you have Font Awesome Pro account. Using the theme doesn’t require a Pro license. Font Awesome free icons will work.
  2. If yes, enter the full URL of your Font Awesome Pro Kit ID.

Secondary Bar – (Container)

  1. Select if you would like to have a secondary bar container. The container can contain social media links and a second nav menu.
  2. Select the background color of the secondary bar.
  3. Select to show the secondary bar in the Header (top of page) or Footer (above copyright section).

Second Navigation

  1. Select to have a secondary navigation menu.
  2. First select Yes to show “Secondary Bar Elements” in previous tab.
  3. Select Yes to show the menu. It will display the menu defined as Secondary Bar Navigation in Appearance > Menus.
  4. Select the secondary menu navigation link color.
  5. Select the secondary menu navigation link hover color.

Social Media

  1. Select to show social media links.
  2. First select Yes to show “Secondary Bar Elements” in previous tab. The icons will display in the secondary bar container.
  3. Select the social media icon color. (The hover color will be the same with less opacity).
  4. Enter the full social media URL in the appropriate space provided.

Mobile Menu

  1. The mobile menu is a “flyout” menu for smaller devices.
  2. Select the color for the “hamburger” (three bars) icon to open the flyout menu.
  3. Select the background color of the mobile menu.


  1. Select to hide the footer. It is set to No by default.
  2. Enter any text to display after the copyright. The © year updates automatically to the current year.
  3. Select the background color of the footer container.
  4. Select the text color for the footer.
  5. Select the color of footer links.
  6. Select the hover color of the footer links.

Google Code

  1. Select Yes to enter google code snippets into the header.
  2. Enter the appropriate code into the space provided.
  3. The code is added to the theme header.


  1. Select the layout for blog archives. This applies to the Blog Template page, Archive template and Category template.
    1. One by One = Individual articles full width of container.
    2. Two by Two = Individual articles 50% (side by side) of the full width of the container.
    3. Two by One = Individual articles alternate Two by Two and One by One.
  2. Select to show a sidebar on the Blog, Article and Category pages.
    1. Single Posts have their own option to show a sidebar or not and is not based on this setting.
    2. Select Yes to show a sidebar.
    3. Select which sidebar to use. The BasicBuild WP theme comes with 4 pre-built widget container.
    4. Select Yes to add a background color to the widget container.

404 Error Page

  1. Using a WYSIWYG editor and custom CSS box, you can create your content specific 404 page.